Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bye bye, control. Hello, destiny.

I guess the consensus is to suck it up and get to doing the nasty...hahaha

I took a moment to consider the age difference and how happy most children seem with the difference of about 2 years. I think Quinlon would really enjoy having a close sibling and without realizing it, the original plan of waiting until after school was done made me sad that Q would be an only child for almost 6 years.

And everyone is right, there really is no perfect time. Emotionally we are ready and that is what truly matters.

So, we're going for it. Nothing so far as charting and obsessing yet. I don't what to do that yet, but I know my body and know when I ovulate (thanks old faithful cycle of mine) so we will be intentionally timing things and praying for the best. In my heart I know that things will happen as they are meant to and being hung up on should I or shouldn't I is just bringing conflict into my heart that is unnecessary.

To quote a great movie, "The panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor you, yours until you relinquish the illusion of control."

I'm letting it go. Bye bye, control. Hello, destiny.


Catie said...

I love that quote. I'll think lots of good thoughts for you.

Sarah said...

Good for you.

(You know you'll temp. How can you resist? It only takes a minute...LOL, I couldn't help it myself.)

Carrie said...

Exciting! I need some of that kind of throwing-out-the-illusion-of-control energy you've got! :)

JoEllen said...

LOL... the nasty.

enjoy yourselves! :)

JoEllen said...

um.. and i forgot to mention but last night i totally had a dream that you just found out that you were PG.

Lauren said...

Yay for baby makin!!!! I hope this isn't another 11 month journey for. Those sure do suck....

Good Luck!!

Christina said...

How exciting! I hope things work out quickly!

Klane said...

I think I am pregnant, but I don't want to get my hopes up. It is really hard to just let go and be happy. I am always preparing for the worst. I took 2 tests, both positive, a week ago. I have never had a baby before so I don't know what I am supposed to feel like. I am more nervous that I will lose it. Yes...bye bye control. Thanks for your blog. that was inspirational and correct!

Shannon said...

Great decision!

The ironic thing is, today, my hubby and I just decided that after AF is gone, I am not going back on the pill. So I will also be turning things over to destiny! Well, for a month, then I will start obsessing because we want another summer baby. :)

Shannon said...

Great decision!

The ironic thing is, today, my hubby and I just decided that after AF is gone, I am not going back on the pill. So I will also be turning things over to destiny! Well, for a month, then I will start obsessing because we want another summer baby. :)